Nora concassée
  • Nora concassée

Crushed Niora (hojilla)


Its taste is similar to that of bell pepper (it belongs to the same family), with a hint of tomato.

It is widely used in Spain with fish, vegetables, and meats, as well as in paellas. It is often paired with dishes containing tomato as their flavors complement each other perfectly.

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Uses in Cooking:

The taste of Niora is very mild, as gentle as our traditional bell pepper, but with a slightly different flavor, closer to the taste of sun-dried tomatoes and paprika with a subtle smoky undertone.

Niora is traditionally cooked with fish, such as cod with tomato, but also with vegetables like in ratatouille, with meats like rabbit, with eggs, fish, and white meats, most often accompanied by tomatoes.

It is widely used in Spanish cuisine, though not exclusively, especially paired with tomatoes, with which its flavor harmonizes beautifully. It is notably found in paellas, where it is mixed with tomatoes and rice, and whole Nioras are often kept as decoration on top.

Who am I?
Origin: Spain

Scientific name: Capsicum annuum

Niora is a variety of pepper originating from South America, like all its cousins, peppers and chilis. Initially, Niora appears as a small round fruit, somewhat resembling a tomato.

The term "hojilla" Niora comes from the Spanish word meaning "leaf"; thus, it refers to Niora in "leaves" or "flakes" or "crushed," as you prefer.

It is an annual plant from the Solanaceae family, with fruits harvested from September to November. Some fruits are kept whole, dried, and used as decorations, notably in paellas, while the rest are crushed to obtain the product I offer.

Capsaicin is the active component of the plant. Like all peppers and chilis, it also contains vitamins A and C.

A Bit of History:
Niora was discovered by Christopher Columbus, who brought it back from South America along with all its cousins, commonly called peppers or chilis, when he discovered the continent. This large family has since spread worldwide and has become essential to the cuisine of all countries.

Product Details

Data sheet

Date de consommation
Elle figure sur chaque produit. Cette date de consommation préférentielle (DDM) est de plus d'un an. Elle indique jusqu'à quel moment le produit sera de qualité optimum. Cependant le dépassement de cette date n'aura pas d'incidence sur votre santé.
Conservation des épices
Elles se conservent au sec, dans des récipients individuels bien clos et à l'abri de la lumière, même électrique.
Emplacement entrepôt
Numéro de Lot
Allergènes possibles
Ce produit peut contenir des traces de sésame, moutarde, céleri et gluten
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