Ground Star Anise (Aniseed)


The entire fruit is ground into this strongly aromatic star anise powder.

You can use it in pastries (including gingerbread), fish dishes, and sauces. It will instantly infuse them with its rich flavor.

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 Sans OGM - Sans ionisation -

Uses in Cooking and Beyond:

Its aroma, more potent than that of green anise, is primarily due to the anethole contained in star anise.

As a powder, its fragrance is released immediately. It enhances pastries, including gingerbread, fish sauces (often with ginger), and wonderfully flavors mussels in marinieres, where whole stars wouldn't have time to impart their flavor.

Whole, star anise is often used in Europe for macerations in the production of alcoholic beverages (like pastis and ouzo). In baking, it is used either as a powder or infused whole in warm milk or other liquids. It's also excellent in certain jams (such as melon), and pairs well with fish. For those who enjoy its taste, whole star anise can be infused into fruit salads, or powdered and sprinkled on top.

After use, the whole star anise can be rinsed, dried, and used in potpourri or home decor. It can be left in its natural state or sprayed gold, for example, during the holiday season.

In infusion, star anise helps reduce bloating by aiding digestion. It is also an active component in Tamiflu, an antiviral known to combat human, avian, and swine flus.

Who am I?

Origin: China

Scientific name: Illicium verum Hook

Common names: Siberian anise, Chinese fennel

The fruit is beautiful, with its warm brown color and shiny seeds inside the "stars," exuding a delightful anise aroma!

It comes from a tropical shrub in the Magnoliaceae family, known as the Chinese star anise tree. About 90% of the world's production is harvested in China's Jiangxi province. The fruit consists of an eight-pointed star, each point containing a shiny seed. The tree is also found in Cambodia and Vietnam. It can grow up to 8 meters tall, with long, evergreen green leaves. The flowers are large and yellow. The fruit is harvested green and then sun-dried to a reddish-brown before being ground into powder. There are two harvests each year, in April and October.

There is also a Japanese star anise, which is banned from import into France due to its toxicity in high doses.

A Little History:

Star anise has been used in China since ancient times for its medicinal properties.

It was introduced to Europe during the time of Marco Polo and was used by practitioners of the era. However, its use did not become widespread until the Renaissance, when it was imported by the English.

In the Middle Ages, star anise was rare, highly coveted, and thus very expensive.

Product Details

Data sheet

Conservation des épices
Elles se conservent au sec, dans des récipients individuels bien clos et à l'abri de la lumière, même électrique.
Emplacement entrepôt
Numéro de Lot
Allergènes possibles
Ce produit peut contenir des traces de sésame, moutarde, céleri et gluten
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