Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks


Its taste is smooth and sweet, with a warm, woody fragrance.

You'll enjoy using it in jams, tea, coffee, mulled wine, and spirits.

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Pour info: Ces bâtons de cannelle font 10cm de longueur environ. Il y en a environ 10 dans 50g

Uses in Cooking:

This is my favorite cinnamon! Its flavor is smooth, mild, sweet, and gives off a delightful aroma. When it's in stick form like this, it's best reserved for infusions (spirits, jams, tea, or coffee in small pieces). Since it's quite friable, it's easy to break into small chips, perfect for flavoring a single cup of tea or coffee.

In small pieces, it can also be mixed with other spices (cloves, cardamom, mace, rosebuds, whole ginger, etc.) and with tea (preferably black) to create a delicious spiced "chai tea." This tea is very mild and beautifully fragrant. Definitely worth trying! Moreover, the health benefits of the various spices in this mix make it excellent for your well-being!

In cooking, cinnamon pairs well with apples (in compotes and pies when ground), jams, chocolate, liqueurs, and spirits (mulled wine, hypocras, punch, spiced rum).

Cinnamon is also used in Oriental tagines (usually Indonesian cinnamon is used here, as it's more affordable), and in many Indian dishes.

It's also an essential part of the "five-spice" mix (Asian cuisine) and "four-spice" blend (for stuffings and pâtés).

Who am I?

Origin: Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon)

Scientific name: Cinnamomum verum

This variety of cinnamon is one of the best in the world. The quality of cinnamon isn't measured by its length (which varies as it's usually cut into different-sized pieces), but by its structure, which should appear layered and friable, much like a cigar. Our cinnamon comes from the bark of the cinnamon tree originally grown in Ceylon, a species belonging to the Lauraceae family.

The unique flavor of cinnamon is due to the aromatic oil contained in the tree.

Ceylon cinnamon has the added advantage of containing almost no coumarin, a substance that can cause allergies in sensitive individuals.

Some studies suggest that cinnamon also has several interesting medicinal properties.

The part of the tree used (the cinnamon bark) corresponds to the thin inner layer of the bark. The scraping and rolling processes can only be done by hand, giving a sense of the labor involved in making each cinnamon stick!

A Little History:
Sri Lanka is an island nation located southeast of India, with a population of around 22 million people.

The country was previously known as Tambapanni by its first inhabitants, Taprobane by the Greeks, Serendip (or Serendib) by the Arabs, and later Ceylon until 1972.

The Chinese have been harvesting cinnamon for centuries. In ancient times, the Egyptians also used it in their embalming process. Today, cinnamon trees are grown in many warm regions worldwide.

Cinnamon only arrived in France around 1220. It was also a key ingredient in the famous medieval drink "hypocras."

Product Details

Data sheet

Conservation des épices
Elles se conservent au sec, dans des récipients individuels bien clos et à l'abri de la lumière, même électrique.
Emplacement entrepôt
Numéro de Lot
Allergènes possibles
Ce produit peut contenir des traces de sésame, moutarde, céleri et gluten
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