This privacy policy applies to the site:

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform users of the site about:

  1. How their personal data is collected and processed. Personal data refers to any data that can identify a user, including but not limited to first and last name, age, postal address, email address, user location, or IP address.
  2. The rights users have regarding their data.
  3. Who is responsible for processing the collected and processed personal data.
  4. To whom this data is transmitted.
  5. The site's policy regarding "cookies" files, if applicable.

This privacy policy complements the legal notices and the General Terms of Use, which users can consult at the following address:


In accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the collection and processing of users' data on the site comply with the following principles:

  1. Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency: Data can only be collected and processed with the user's consent. Each time personal data is collected, users will be informed of the collection and the reasons behind it.
  2. Purpose Limitation: Data collection and processing are carried out for specific purposes outlined in these General Terms of Use.
  3. Data Minimization: Only data necessary for achieving the site's objectives is collected.
  4. Storage Limitation: Data is retained for a limited period, which the user is informed about. If the retention period cannot be communicated to the user, the data will be retained only as long as necessary.
  5. Data Integrity and Confidentiality: The data controller commits to ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the collected data.

To be lawful under Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the collection and processing of personal data will occur only if at least one of the following conditions is met:

  1. The user has explicitly consented to the processing;
  2. Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract;
  3. Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation;
  4. Processing is required to protect vital interests of the data subject or another individual;
  5. Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority;
  6. Processing and collection are necessary for legitimate interests pursued by the data controller or a third party.


A. DATA COLLECTED AND PROCESSED AND COLLECTION METHOD The personal data collected on the Epiciane site includes:

  • Personal Identification Data: Title, name, surname, email address, phone number (landline or mobile), postal address, customer number;

This data is collected when the user performs the following actions on the site:

  • When the user makes a purchase on

Additionally, a transaction proof including the order confirmation and invoice will be stored in the site’s systems.

When the user subscribes to the newsletter.

The data controller will retain the collected data in its systems under reasonable security conditions for a period of 12 months.

The purposes for data collection and processing are as follows:

  • Order tracking;
  • Information / Promotional offers;
  • Statistics;
  • Contact;
  • Website management (presentation, organization);
  • Sharing site content with others or informing others about their visit or opinion via social media share buttons;
  • Preventing illegal activities;
  • Enforcing site usage conditions.

B. DATA TRANSMISSION TO THIRD PARTIES Data may be transmitted to the following third parties:

  • Google Analytics for commercial statistics and generating reports on user interactions. (
  • Avis Client Garantis when a customer leaves a review on one or more products on the site.

C. DATA HOSTING The Epiciane site is hosted by OVH.


A. DATA CONTROLLER The data controller for personal data is: Epiciane. They can be contacted as follows:

  • By phone at +32 495 24 79 53 from Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM
  • By email: [email protected]

The data controller is responsible for determining the purposes and means of personal data processing.

B. DATA CONTROLLER OBLIGATIONS The data controller is committed to protecting the collected personal data, not disclosing it to third parties without informing the user, and adhering to the purposes for which the data was collected.

The site uses an SSL certificate to ensure that information and data transfers are secure.

An SSL certificate ("Secure Socket Layer" Certificate) aims to secure data exchanged between the user and the site.

Additionally, the data controller commits to notifying the user of any data rectification or deletion, unless it involves disproportionate formalities, costs, and efforts.

In case the integrity, confidentiality, or security of the user’s personal data is compromised, the data controller will inform the user by any means.


In accordance with regulations regarding the processing of personal data, users have the following rights:

To ensure their request is addressed, users must provide: their first and last name, email address, and if applicable, their account number or personal space number.

The data controller is obliged to respond within a maximum of 30 days.


  1. Right of Access, Rectification, and Erasure

    • Users can access, update, modify, or request the deletion of their data as outlined:
      • Through the personal account space in the "my personal data" section.
      • If they have an account, users can request the deletion of their personal space by following the procedure:
        • Through the personal account space in the "my personal data" section or by email at [email protected].
  2. Right to Data Portability

    • Users can request the portability of their personal data held by the site to another site, following the procedure:
      • Through the personal account space in the "my personal data" section, "Export my data".
  3. Right to Limit and Oppose Data Processing

    • Users have the right to request the limitation or oppose the processing of their data, unless the site demonstrates legitimate and compelling reasons overriding the user’s interests and rights.
    • To request data processing limitation or oppose processing, users should follow the procedure:
      • Opposition to the processing of personal data.
        • For assistance, a model letter provided by CNIL is available.
      • Limitation on the processing of personal data. Data can only be retained and not used. Request to be made by email to [email protected].
  4. Right Not to Be Subject to Automated Decisions

    • In accordance with Regulation 2016/679, users have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing if such decisions produce legal effects concerning them or similarly significantly affect them.
  5. Right to Determine Data Fate After Death

    • Users can organize what should happen to their collected and processed data in the event of their death, in accordance with Law No. 2016-1321 of October 7, 2016.

B. PERSONAL DATA OF MINORS In accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act, only minors aged 15 or over can consent to the processing of their personal data.

If the user is under 15, consent from a legal representative will be required for data collection and processing.

The site publisher reserves the right to verify by any means that the user is over 15 or has obtained consent from a legal representative before navigating the site.


The site may use "cookies" techniques.

A "cookie" is a small file (less than 4 KB) stored by the site on the user's hard drive, containing information related to the user's browsing habits.

These files allow the site to process statistics and traffic information, facilitate navigation, and improve the service for the user's comfort.

For the use of "cookies" involving the storage and analysis of personal data, user consent is necessarily required.

This user consent is considered valid for a maximum period of 13 (thirteen) months. At the end of this period, the site will request the user's permission again to store "cookies" on their hard drive.

a. User Opposition to the Use of Cookies by the Site

The user is informed that they can oppose the storage of these "cookies" by configuring their browsing software.

For information, users can find instructions on how to configure their browsing software to prevent the storage of "cookies" at the following addresses:

Internet Explorer:

If the user decides to disable "cookies," they can continue browsing the site. However, any dysfunction caused by this action will not be considered the fault of the site publisher.

b. Description of Cookies Used by the Site

The site publisher draws the user's attention to the fact that the following cookies are used during their browsing:

  • Use of the main features of the Site
  • Remembering user preferences (language, display settings) according to the graphic charter, the type of terminal, and the viewing or reading software used (browser type), and taking these into account during subsequent visits
  • Linking different pages visited to ensure smooth navigation
  • Managing the user session after login
  • Managing the content of the user's shopping cart
  • Secure access to personal spaces (client account, projects, simulations, order histories, etc.)
  • Establishing statistics and counting the traffic and use of different pages and sections of the Site (number of visits, pages viewed, user journey on the Site, frequency of return, etc.) to improve functionality, anonymously.

- Cookies Exempt from Consent

According to the recommendations of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL), certain cookies are exempt from obtaining prior consent as they are strictly necessary for the operation of the website or solely to enable or facilitate electronic communication. These include session identifier cookies, authentication cookies, load-balancing cookies, and interface customization cookies. These cookies are fully subject to this policy as they are issued and managed by the "publisher."

- Cookies Requiring Prior Consent

This requirement applies to cookies issued by third parties that are classified as "persistent" as they remain on your device until deleted or their expiration date. Such cookies are issued by third parties, and their use and placement are subject to their own privacy policies. This category includes audience measurement cookies, advertising cookies, and social media sharing cookies.

The user's attention is drawn to the fact that these sites have their own privacy policies and terms of use that may differ from those of the site. The site publisher invites users to review the privacy policies and terms of use of these sites.


This privacy policy can be reviewed at any time at the following address:

The site publisher reserves the right to modify it to ensure compliance with applicable laws.

Therefore, users are encouraged to regularly review this privacy policy to stay informed of any changes.

In the event of a substantial modification of this policy, users will be informed as follows:

By push notification during the user's next visit to the site.

Users are informed that the last update to this privacy policy occurred on: 14/02/2023.


By browsing the site, the user confirms that they have read and understood this privacy policy and accept its terms, particularly concerning the collection and processing of their personal data, as well as the use of "cookies."


9.1 Applicable Law

This Privacy Policy is governed by Belgian law and European regulations, notably the European Data Protection Regulation.

9.2 Arbitration

Any disputes relating to or arising from this agreement will be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the FastArbitre regulations of the Digital Institute of Arbitration and Mediation.


Tel: +32 495 24 79 53

Email: [email protected]


Happy browsing…