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Cuisine Indienne
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Cuisine Indienne

Vous trouverez tout pour donner un souffle d'exotisme et de voyage à vos plats: curcuma, cardamome, gingembre, poivres, piments forts et doux et plein d'autres.

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Reference: 10M6821604

Shelled Green Cardamom Seeds

Its flavor is powerful and unique, somewhere between licorice and eucalyptus, with a more lemony note. Equally suited to both savory and sweet dishes, it adds a real delight to tea, coffee, gingerbread, Indian curries, rice, and even alcoholic drinks. You can even mix it with your pepper in your grinder!
Price €4.90
In stock

Reference: cardamomeM

Ground Cardamom

Its fragrance is extraordinary and powerful, somewhere between licorice and eucalyptus, with a more lemony note. It works wonders in flavoring gingerbread, Indian curries, rice, and many other dishes. However, for alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee, and other liquids, it’s better to use whole seeds.
Price €7.50
In stock

Reference: cardamomeverteE

Whole Green Cardamom

Its fragrance is extraordinary and powerful, protected by the green pod of the fruit! Green cardamom is delicious in tea, coffee, gingerbread, Indian curries, rice, alcoholic beverages, and many dishes. It has the unique ability to enhance the flavors of the dishes it complements.
Price €6.30
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Reference: carrymadras

Madras curry

Its flavor is rich from the many spices that compose it—powerful and slightly spicy! It will be magical in Indian cuisines, with meats (lamb, chicken, beef, and veal), fish, and rice. It will make your béchamel sauces enchanting!
Price €1.60
In stock

Reference: coriandreE

Coriandre en graines

Le goût de la coriandre est très doux et très frais, donnant aux plats un parfum d'exotisme et de fraîcheur. Elle est traditionnelle des cuisines d'Afrique du Nord et asiatiques, des marinades, des courts-bouillons de poissons ainsi que des salades, des olives et des cornichons.
Price €1.20
In stock

Reference: 20701706

Cumin en grains

Le goût du cumin est très prononcé et donc très "parfumant". Il est délicieux dans la cuisine d'Afrique du Nord, dans beaucoup de plats de légumes (carottes, pois chiches, fèves), avec les fromages ainsi que dans les viandes, notamment le mouton.
Price €2.45
In stock

Reference: 30803202

Cumin moulu

Son parfum riche et puissant l'a rendu célèbre dans le monde entier. Il est indissociable de la cuisine d'Afrique du Nord, des légumes (carottes, pois chiches, fèves), des fromages, et des viandes (mouton).
Price €2.00
In stock

Reference: EPI2301003

Curcuma moulu ou safran bourbon

Son goût est un peu neutre, légèrement âpre, en revanche sa couleur et ses vertus médicinales sont inouïes! Vous l'associerez aux poissons, aux viandes, au riz, ainsi qu'aux cuisines indiennes, antillaises et d'Afrique du Nord. Existe aussi en racine entière: cliquez!
Price €1.60
In stock

Reference: 713425509

Curcuma (Safran Bourbon) en racine ou doigt entier

Son goût est un peu neutre, légèrement âpre, en revanche sa couleur et ses vertus médicinales sont extraordinaires! Râpé, vous l'associerez aux poissons, aux viandes, au riz, ainsi qu'aux cuisines indiennes, antillaises et d'Afrique du Nord. Existe aussi en poudre: cliquez!
Price €1.20
Product available with different options

Reference: echalote

Échalote déshydratée

- ORIGINE FRANCE - L'échalote a plus de saveur et de parfum que l'oignon, elle est incontournable de la cuisine française. Ici, elle est déjà prête pour tous vos plats: épluchée, coupée, utilisable instantanément, et sans larmes à l'épluchage..! Proposée sous 2 formes: en "paillettes" ou en lanières
Price €2.90
In stock

Reference: 124510

Fenugrec en grains

Il a un goût de céréale doublé d'une certaine amertume. C'est un constituant essentiel des cuisines d'Afrique du Nord et de quantités de mélanges dans une grande partie du monde. De plus, il est plein de vertus! Ce produit existe aussi moulu, cliquez ici
Price €1.00
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Reference: 00036306-0001

Fenugrec en poudre

Poudre toute fine au goût de céréale doublé d'une certaine amertume. Constituant essentiel des cuisines d'Afrique du Nord et de quantités de mélanges dans une grande partie du monde. De plus, il est bourré de vertus!
Price €1.30
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Reference: 20825701

Garam massala

Le parfum de ce mélange est doux, chaud, plein de senteurs exotiques, à peine relevé. Il vous fera voyager! C'est un mélange indien, qui fera merveille dans les viandes, les gambas et les légumes.
Price €2.80
In stock

Reference: gingembreM

Ground ginger

The taste of this powdered root is spicy, peppery, and slightly lemony. It is delicious in fish dishes, pastries (such as gingerbread), and is essential in Asian, Indian, and North African cuisines.
Price €2.20
In stock

Reference: gingembreE

Ginger roots

Ginger has a spicy, peppery, and slightly lemony taste. It is an essential ingredient in Asian, Indian, and North African cuisines, where it features in countless spice blends, and is also highly valued in teas and certain alcoholic beverages.
Price €2.30
In stock

Reference: 208037910

Black Mustard

Offered in whole seeds or powder. Its taste is distinctly "mustardy," with a sharp pungency and a hint of bitterness. It is widely used in Indian cuisine, sauces, meats, pickles, and is also ideal for making mustard.
Price €1.30
In stock

Reference: 00723801

Whole Nutmeg

Its distinctive flavor, both woody and exotic with hints of smoky notes, has become essential to Western cuisine. It is inseparable from gratins, purees, béchamel sauces, quiche lorraine, and even gingerbread.
Price €3.50
In stock

Reference: 208033101

Ground Nutmeg

Its unique flavor, both woody and exotic with a hint of fireplace warmth, has become essential in Western cuisine. It adds a delightful aroma to gratins, purees, béchamel sauces, quiche lorraine, and even certain pastries, such as gingerbread.
Price €5.20
In stock

Reference: 30711601

Toasted White Onion

Grilling onion enhances its flavor and gives it a pleasant "cooked" taste. It becomes very digestible, much more so than raw onion. Perfect for all your cooked dishes or salads, it's already peeled, chopped, and instantly ready—no tears from peeling or lingering smell on your fingers...!!!
Price €2.40
In stock

Reference: 30204501

Pink Onion "Flakes"

The taste of dehydrated onion is almost identical to that of raw onion, but it's more digestible and easier to use! It's perfect for all your dishes—already peeled, chopped, instantly ready, and no tears from peeling…!!!
Price €3.30
In stock

Reference: 00234301

Pink Onion Strips

The taste of dehydrated onion is very similar to that of raw onion, but it is more digestible and easier to use! It's perfect for all your dishes, as it’s already peeled, chopped, instantly ready, and tear-free...!!!
Price €2.00
In stock

Reference: 208029701

Dehydrated Green Pepper

It is strong, aromatic, and the only stage of pepper ripeness where the berries can be rehydrated. It is traditionally used in delicious and spicy sauces that accompany fine meats, in pâtés, or even blended with other peppers.
Price €5.60
In stock