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Mets sucrés/Infusions

Mets sucrés/Infusions

Préparez des desserts vivants et créatifs sans ajouter une seule calorie grâce à nos épices et mélanges uniques, créez vos thés et infusions "détox" en apportant à votre corps toutes les vertus de nos fleurs et fruits séchés et vous étonnerez vos amis en préparant vos propres apéritifs avec nos recettes magiques

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Reference: 10M6741201

Aneth en Graines

Son goût est doux, subtil, légèrement anisé, un peu plus prononcé que celui des feuilles de la plante. Les graines d'aneth parfumeront un poisson au four ou au court-bouillon. Vous pourrez aussi en faire des infusions et des alcools. Existe aussi en feuilles... J'y vais!
Price €1.40
In stock

Reference: anisvertM

Anis Vert moulu

C'est la graine qui est moulue. Son goût est franchement anisé et très rafraîchissant. Il est indissociable du pain d'épices, mais il est aussi délicieux avec des poissons en papillote ou en sauce ainsi qu'avec des légumes, même si on y pense moins! Existe aussi en graines... J'y vais!
Price €2.20
In stock

Reference: 2M6273801

Passion Berries

This unusual little Ethiopian berry has a surprising passion fruit aroma. Its delicious flavor, very similar to that of passion fruit, makes it perfect for desserts, infusions, and even fish dishes.
Price €4.90
In stock

Reference: bleuet

Cornflower Petals

Offered in three different colors (blue, white, or red), these petals are always stunning in color and have numerous medicinal properties! Use them to decorate salads and potpourris, create soothing lotions for eyes or face, and even enjoy them in infusions
Price €4.40
In stock

Reference: camomilleRom

Roman Chamomile (Flowers)

The virtues of these flowers are numerous, and their bitterness is appreciated by many. With them, you can make calming and digestive teas, as well as soothing lotions for the eyes and hair. They are also delightful in certain alcoholic beverages!
Price €5.25
In stock

Reference: cardamomeverteE

Whole Green Cardamom

Its fragrance is extraordinary and powerful, protected by the green pod of the fruit! Green cardamom is delicious in tea, coffee, gingerbread, Indian curries, rice, alcoholic beverages, and many dishes. It has the unique ability to enhance the flavors of the dishes it complements.
Price €6.30
In stock

Reference: cardamomeM

Ground Cardamom

Its fragrance is extraordinary and powerful, somewhere between licorice and eucalyptus, with a more lemony note. It works wonders in flavoring gingerbread, Indian curries, rice, and many other dishes. However, for alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee, and other liquids, it’s better to use whole seeds.
Price €7.50
In stock

Reference: 10M6821604

Shelled Green Cardamom Seeds

Its flavor is powerful and unique, somewhere between licorice and eucalyptus, with a more lemony note. Equally suited to both savory and sweet dishes, it adds a real delight to tea, coffee, gingerbread, Indian curries, rice, and even alcoholic drinks. You can even mix it with your pepper in your grinder!
Price €4.90
In stock

Reference: ecorcecitronH

Chopped Lemon Peel

This is dried lemon peel chopped into pieces of approximately 0.3 to 1 cm. You'll experience the familiar lemon flavor along with the slight bitterness of the peel. Perfect for your tea and infusions, spirits, baked goods, as well as sauces for fish, poultry, and other meats.
Price €3.70
In stock

Reference: 6M6533603

Poppy Petals

Their taste is quite mild, making them very easy to enjoy. You’ll primarily use them in herbal teas to improve sleep, and, of course, you can also add them to salads for their lovely wine-red color.
Price €3.70
In stock

Reference: 20825701

Garam massala

Le parfum de ce mélange est doux, chaud, plein de senteurs exotiques, à peine relevé. Il vous fera voyager! C'est un mélange indien, qui fera merveille dans les viandes, les gambas et les légumes.
Price €2.80
In stock

Reference: gentiane

Gentian Roots

Its bitterness is pronounced, which is exactly why it's so sought after! With it, you can prepare spirits, aperitifs, and invigorating herbal teas, as it is full of beneficial properties.
Price €5.00
In stock

Reference: gingembreE

Gingembre racines

Le goût du gingembre est piquant, poivré et en même temps citronné. Il est un partenaire incourtounable des cuisines asiatiques, indiennes et d'Afrique du Nord, dans lesquelles il participe à d'innombrables mélanges d'épices, mais est aussi très apprécié dans le thé et certains alcools. Existe aussi en poudre. Cliquez ici
Price €2.30
In stock

Reference: gingembreM

Gingembre moulu

Le goût de cette racine réduite en poudre est piquant, poivré et en même temps citronné. Il sera délicieux dans les plats de poissons, les pâtisseries (comme le pain d'épices), et indispensable dans les cuisines asiatiques, indiennes et d'Afrique du Nord. Existe aussi entier: cliquez!
Price €2.20
In stock

Reference: 1N6987004

Girofle moulue

Son parfum est corsé, boisé, puissant comme l'humus des sous-bois et en même temps fleuri. Son goût s'harmonise particulièrement bien avec celui des viandes, des pâtés, des charcuteries, des biscuits, du pain d'épices et de certaines sauces. Existe aussi en clous: cliquez!
Price €1.70
In stock

Reference: hypocras

Hypocras Spice Mix

Hypocras is a beverage typically enjoyed as an aperitif, and its delicious taste is somewhat reminiscent of mulled wine. Preparation for making 1 1/4 liters of the drink, delivered in a 65g sachet with the recipe on the back.
Price €4.50
In stock

Reference: jasmin

Jasmine (Flowers)

In tea, this flower has a gentle flavor but is strong enough to complement the taste of tea, with which it has been paired for a long time. It can also be used to decorate dishes and salads, as well as in potpourris.
Price €5.50
In stock