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Spices from Around the World: Discover our selection of spice blends.


Discover Our Selection of Spices from Around the World to add an exotic touch of flavor to your dishes. Find artisanal spice blends and rare spices for a unique culinary experience.

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Reference: anisvertM

Ground Green Anise

The seeds are ground to create it. Its flavor is distinctly aniseed and very refreshing. It’s essential in gingerbread but also delicious with fish en papillote or in sauce, as well as with vegetables, even though it's less commonly thought of in that way!
Price €1.87 Regular price €2.20
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Reference: gingembreE

Ginger roots

Ginger has a spicy, peppery, and slightly lemony taste. It is an essential ingredient in Asian, Indian, and North African cuisines, where it features in countless spice blends, and is also highly valued in teas and certain alcoholic beverages.
Price €1.96 Regular price €2.30
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Reference: 208033101

Ground Nutmeg

Its unique flavor, both woody and exotic with a hint of fireplace warmth, has become essential in Western cuisine. It adds a delightful aroma to gratins, purees, béchamel sauces, quiche lorraine, and even certain pastries, such as gingerbread.
Price €4.42 Regular price €5.20
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Reference: 20211003

Crushed Niora (hojilla)

Its taste is similar to that of bell pepper (it belongs to the same family), with a hint of tomato. It is widely used in Spain with fish, vegetables, and meats, as well as in paellas. It is often paired with dishes containing tomato as their flavors complement each other perfectly.
Price €2.64 Regular price €3.10
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Reference: 8N7625101

Sicilian Sumac

Sa saveur acidulée et salée en même temps est très étonnante! Il parfume traditionnellement les poissons, les fruits de mer et même certaines viandes dans la cuisine libanaise. Mais surtout, il trompe le palais dans un régime pauvre en sel !
Price €2.38 Regular price €2.80
In stock