  • Romarin

Whole rosemary


Rosemary is aromatic and sunny; it embodies the essence of Provence.

It is delicious on lamb and pork grills, in marinades, and in stews. It also contributes to the mix of herbs de Provence.

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Uses in cooking:
Rosemary is one of the essential components of the mixture known as "herbs de Provence," and thus of Mediterranean cuisine. It is used in stews, casseroles, marinades, and generously sprinkled on grilled dishes. It pairs very well with potatoes and lamb. It can even be used to smoke meat or fish.

If its slightly long and somewhat stiff leaves bother you, you can find them chopped or ground on our site.

More recently, modern cuisine has featured it in infusions to flavor custards, creams, ice creams, and even certain jams, particularly apricot, fig, or peach. Less commonly, it is even paired with dark chocolate. In Provence, in traditional gastronomy, it is included in the preparation of citrus shortbread. And if you pair it with cinnamon, you will be delighted!

Its high concentration of flavonoids and phenols also makes it useful in infusions. It alleviates fatigue, digestive and liver disorders, respiratory infections, and headaches. In autumn and even spring, it is advisable to undergo a 2 or 3-week course of infusions at a rate of one teaspoon of leaves per cup, infused for 10 minutes. You can add thyme to the infusion and sweeten it with honey if you wish. A "miracle" remedy to start the winter off right!

Who am I?
Origin: Morocco

Botanical name: Rosmarinus officinalis

Common names: Incense (Provençal name), crown herb, sailor's rose, sea rose, sea rosemary

Rosemary is a perennial shrub of the Lamiaceae family, native to the rocky maquis of the Mediterranean basin, and growing almost everywhere with a temperate climate featuring mild winters and calcareous soil. It thrives in full sun and does not tolerate excess moisture. Its ability to thrive on the little humidity found along the coast may have inspired its nickname "rose of the sea."

It can reach a height of 1.5 meters, and its fine, leathery, needle-like leaves are evergreen. Their scent is powerful and camphorous, reminiscent of incense, hence the Provençal name "incensier." Its flowers are particularly honey-bearing, and bees produce a honey that is highly appreciated by connoisseurs, once known as "Narbonne honey."

Blooming begins in February and continues until May. Occasionally, a second, less abundant bloom appears in the autumn. The flowers appear in clusters that range from pale blue to violet, depending on the species. Some rarer varieties have white flowers.

There are over 150 varieties of rosemary that differ in size, shape, flower color, and hardiness.

It is also widely used as an aromatic component in the cosmetics industry to fragrance soaps, creams, etc., as well as in the food industry to flavor candies, sauces, desserts, etc.

Finally, its use in perfumery is very ancient. One of the earliest known alcoholic perfumes is "Hungarian water," of which it is the base and frequently used in the 17th century. It is still used today in the production of many perfumes, primarily for men.

A little history:
The ancients held it in great reverence. It was used in all festivities. Brides wore crowns made from it (hence its nickname "crown herb"), and guests were given branches adorned with multicolored silk ribbons.

Its stimulating effect on mental functions led the ancient Greeks to crown students with it.

Sprigs were also placed under pillows to chase away evil spirits and nightmares.

The Egyptians placed rosemary branches in the tombs of pharaohs to strengthen their souls.

As for the students of ancient Greece, they made crowns from it to wear during exams, believing it would enhance their memory.

During plague epidemics, due to its antiseptic properties, branches were burned to purify the air, and small sachets were worn around the neck to be inhaled when passing through areas contaminated by the disease.

Product Details

Data sheet

Date de consommation
Elle figure sur chaque produit. Cette date de consommation préférentielle (DDM) est de plus d'un an. Elle indique jusqu'à quel moment le produit sera de qualité optimum. Cependant le dépassement de cette date n'aura pas d'incidence sur votre santé.
Conservation des plantes
Elles se conservent au sec, dans des récipients individuels bien clos et à l'abri de la lumière, même électrique.
Emplacement entrepôt
Allergènes possibles
Ce produit peut contenir des traces de sésame, moutarde, céleri et gluten
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